Our Expertise
Ptarmigan unlocks land for development and creates value by securing valuable planning permissions on a wide range of sites. On larger schemes this role can include installing infrastructure and managing the development process.
Ptarmigan provides the Vision, Planning, Delivery and Long Term Governance to ensure the delivery of communities with a long-lasting legacy.
We are passionate about design and early on in the process we create a long term vision and strategy for the site by working in partnership with landowners and collaboratively with Councils and other stakeholders to deliver exemplar developments.
We promote the land through the planning system and manage the entire planning strategy. This includes promoting the site through the Local Plan process, submitting outline planning applications, negotiating planning conditions, including s106 agreements and reserved matters planning applications, s96 and s73 applications and discharge of conditions. In addition, we manage the allocation of obligations and s106 payments between the developers of each phase, and ensure collaboration and adherence.
Once Planning Permission has been granted, large sites often require a Master Developer to control how the site is physically delivered.
As Master Developer, Ptarmigan manages the site wide provision of infrastructure, negotiating s278/s38 agreements ensuring the delivery of roads, sewers, utilities, bus services, strategic landscaping, play areas, schools, affordable housing, and more.
Ptarmigan’s extensive experience at delivering large sites means we can help landowners achieve the best value for the site.
We organise the long term management of the whole site, whether through a charity, a dedicated Community Land Trust or site management company, or public ownership. The long term management and maintenance is essential to ensure that the vision and legacy remain at the highest standards.